
Showing posts from December, 2018

It's time to put the Orion Nebula to bed!

Well we’ve done it lads! After a few months of talking about the Orion Nebula ya girl ROBEA finally has her own images of it! Now before you start jumping out of your seats in joy (Nat I can just SEE the excitement on that blank face!) And before you ask, no, I did not take the images myself, but it would’ve been really cool if I could’ve! No, I left the actual imaging to the guys up in the Observatory. Shout out to the BSU observation team! You guys rock! Ok, ok, let’s actually chat about these images. So I requested A LOT of images with like four different filters (Hey don’t give me that look. I wanted to make a pretty picture!). The BSU Observation bros, used four filters for me (Which I am so thankful for them putting up with my antics. Seriously you guys are the best,) So the filters were Verde (that’s green in Spanish for all you people who weren’t forced to take spanish in High School), Infrared, Red, and good ole’ clear. So before y’all get confused by my seemingly random color

Back to Our Buddy Orion Nebula

Hola mi amigos! How is everyone on this fine day (or night)? I am terrific! But now I think it's time to look back on this blog. I have been writing this thing since September and let me say it is the most fun I’ve had in awhile. I loved making all the dumb photos that I made for each update. Now that I look back I made a crap ton of them. This is just a few of the pictures I've made over the course of this blog and honestly I can't believe I've made so many of these freaking pictures. But I am happy that I made this blog. Ok serious moment over lets get back to the terrible jokes! Over the course of this blog we have obsessed over the Orion Nebula aka the Baby Makin’ Machine. We have lived and breathed this nebula for months. So I thought “hey we haven’t beat this dead horse enough or fed a fed horse if you’re a member of PETA” so lets obsess some more over the Orion Nebula. You know I have written so much about this freaking Nebula that I can’t remember if

MaxIm DL aka Mah Boi Maxy

Hello kiddies! You’re old buddy ROBEA is back! Last time we had a great time talking about the amazing little Robot InSight! But this time we are back on the Orion Nebula train! Don’t groan! You love the Orion Nebula! We’ve been through so much together! I feel like there is nothing left to be said about the Orion Nebula. It’s the Crazy Baby Makin’ Machine, what more could you want? That’s why this time I’m going to focus on another part of imaging this bad boy. In the past we’ve talked about the special camera, the fancy non-rideable wolf mount, and the fancy smancy not-snapchat filters. Wow, ok we have talked about way more things than I thought we did. This time we are going to talk about the MaxIm DL program. Oo! I love throwing sciencey words at you guys! I’m going to throw some more at you! Hmm let’s see here Arachibutyrophobia (the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth), Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia ( the fear of the number 666), and pneumonoultramicroscopics

The Little Robot Who Could

Hello my good people! Now I know some of y’all are here to listen to me ramble for a couple hundred words (and I love all my readers, that’s right Professor you’re the best!) and the rest of you are wondering how the heck you ended up here (Don’t worry Sam, it’s not like I can see you through your camera or anything… or can I…?). We’re gonna be doing something a bit different this week folks. This week I’m going to tell you about the amazing thing that just happened in recent space news (I like that, “Space News” it sounds very official for something I just made up!) Now that I’ve got your attention (Well most of you… PATRICIA! Gurl pay attention please. I am trying to expand your knowledge, you can text your BFF later. Trust me you might want to hear this….maybe not? Aaand we’ve lost Patricia. Dang! Welp the past in the past they always say!) Let me tell you what happened. So sit yourself down! Open your ears! It’s time to do you some learnin’! Ok backstory time! I’m sure some of you

Let's talk about Mounts! (No not a video game mount ya nerds)

What is up my good people! How is everyone? Good? If not….um well? Sorry bout that??? Ok so we’re gonna continue our talk about how one would go about taking a picture of our best bud the Orion Nebula! Is everyone ready?!?!?! Sit yourselves down, open your freakin ears, it's time to do some learning! So last time we learned about what a mount is (For the last time Jeffery we are not talking about Horses or Giant rideable wolves) I had a little too much fun making the "No Riding Wolves" sign. It took me like half an hour to make that one part of the picture but I think it was worth it. I will hold onto my MS Paint crown until someone pries it from my cold dead hands. Photoshop? Who's she? MS Paint is the only one for me! we also learned about the fact that there are other types of filters in the world (Go figure). This week we are going to put together what we have learned to create a picture. So the first step is to make sure that it is a nice clear night out

The Wonderful World of Filters (No Not the Snapchat ones)

Hello my lovely readers (or to whomever is seriously lost)! I’m back with another exciting installment in our weekly adventures in over-analyzing the Orion Nebula. This week we shall be continuing to learn about how to photograph it (OoOoooOO exciting!). Ok enough foolin about, it’s game time. So sit yourselves down, open your ears, it's time to do you some learning! This week we are going to talk about the types of filters you use to photograph the Orion Nebula. There are many types of filters in the world. You’ve got your white girl Starbucks filters, your Instagram model filters, your snapchat filters, and those cringy filters that your parents use to look cool. Now take all of those filters and defenestrate them (here’s your word for the week, Defenestrate means to throw someone or something out of a window, go wild kiddies), just throw them out. Maybe this pig will learn to fly? (Don't worry this room is on the first floor, the worst that's gonna happen to that pi