It's time to put the Orion Nebula to bed!

Well we’ve done it lads! After a few months of talking about the Orion Nebula ya girl ROBEA finally has her own images of it! Now before you start jumping out of your seats in joy (Nat I can just SEE the excitement on that blank face!) And before you ask, no, I did not take the images myself, but it would’ve been really cool if I could’ve! No, I left the actual imaging to the guys up in the Observatory. Shout out to the BSU observation team! You guys rock! Ok, ok, let’s actually chat about these images. So I requested A LOT of images with like four different filters (Hey don’t give me that look. I wanted to make a pretty picture!). The BSU Observation bros, used four filters for me (Which I am so thankful for them putting up with my antics. Seriously you guys are the best,) So the filters were Verde (that’s green in Spanish for all you people who weren’t forced to take spanish in High School), Infrared, Red, and good ole’ clear. So before y’all get confused by my seemingly random color...