Back to Our Buddy Orion Nebula

Hola mi amigos! How is everyone on this fine day (or night)? I am terrific! But now I think it's time to look back on this blog. I have been writing this thing since September and let me say it is the most fun I’ve had in awhile. I loved making all the dumb photos that I made for each update. Now that I look back I made a crap ton of them.

This is just a few of the pictures I've made over the course of this blog and honestly I can't believe I've made so many of these freaking pictures.

But I am happy that I made this blog. Ok serious moment over lets get back to the terrible jokes! Over the course of this blog we have obsessed over the Orion Nebula aka the Baby Makin’ Machine. We have lived and breathed this nebula for months. So I thought “hey we haven’t beat this dead horse enough or fed a fed horse if you’re a member of PETA” so lets obsess some more over the Orion Nebula. You know I have written so much about this freaking Nebula that I can’t remember if I ever mentioned it’s coordinates soooo let's do that now! Yay! (I have a terrible memory ok? Sorry about being late to that meeting Professor…. Yeaah I would lose my head if it weren’t attached to my head. I lose my phone at least 3 times a day. So let’s just say my memory is closer to a goldfish’s than it is to an elephant) Ok so the coordinates of our bro Orion is Right Ascension 05 : 35.4 (h:m), Declination -05 : 27 (deg:m) (McArthur 2018). If that is gibberish to you that’s ok! I’m not 100% sure what it means either! Let’s move on, this is the lightning round! Our bro the Orion Nebula has a magnitude (brightness B) ) of 4.0 in comparison the sun has an absolute magnitude of -27 (McArthur 2018). Before I lose you that is a fancy  way of saying that the sun is brighter than Orion.  Another interesting thing about the Orion Nebula is that it is one of the brightest diffuse Nebula and you can see it by just looking at the night sky (McArthur 2018).  But you gotta think about the time of year when you look for it because our position in our orbit around the sun affects where the Orion Nebula can be seen in the sky. You must also take into account your location on Earth. I am in the Northern Hemisphere so I have an easier time seeing the Orion Nebula all year round. There is not much else I can say about our crazy baby making pal. We know all about what its made of, it’s history, it’s position in the sky. To be honest there is not much more I can say so let's wrap it up people! Alright shows’ over for today come back some other time! Go be free! I release you from reading my words, toodaloo everyone toodaloo!

Works Cited
McArthur, G., Frommert, H., & Kronberg, C. (2018, October 8). Messier 42. Retrieved December 11, 2018, from


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