The Little Robot Who Could

Hello my good people! Now I know some of y’all are here to listen to me ramble for a couple hundred words (and I love all my readers, that’s right Professor you’re the best!) and the rest of you are wondering how the heck you ended up here (Don’t worry Sam, it’s not like I can see you through your camera or anything… or can I…?). We’re gonna be doing something a bit different this week folks. This week I’m going to tell you about the amazing thing that just happened in recent space news (I like that, “Space News” it sounds very official for something I just made up!) Now that I’ve got your attention (Well most of you… PATRICIA! Gurl pay attention please. I am trying to expand your knowledge, you can text your BFF later. Trust me you might want to hear this….maybe not? Aaand we’ve lost Patricia. Dang! Welp the past in the past they always say!) Let me tell you what happened. So sit yourself down! Open your ears! It’s time to do you some learnin’! Ok backstory time! I’m sure some of you have heard about this little known space exploration group called NASA, sorry did say “little known”? What I meant to say was “Super big deal, very important, world wide, space exploration group”. Anyways our friends at NASA a few months ago created a robot that goes by the name “InSight” (Brown 2018). This cute little robot was strapped onto a rocket and hurdled into space on May 5, 2018 (Brown 2018).

Ok so maybe InSight doesn't exactly look like this...but....Imma do it any way because I want to!

Our home boys (girls, and non-binary pals) at NASA launched this little robot into space on a mission to Mars! (Brown 2018).  InSight’s martian mission (I just think alliteration is fun ok? And you gotta admit “Martian Mission” sounds kick butt) is to study Mars’  guts, no I did not stutter, yes that is the tiny robot’s mission (Brown 2018). Fine I’ll be more technical, our little robot buddy is supposed to study the interior of Mars, we hope that with the help of InSight we might one day understand how rocky planets are formed Brown 2018). Ew! Being serious is no fun! I would much rather go with saying our little robot pal is swimming around in Mars’ guts than to spit out all that seriousness! I’m getting off topic again but  Ah I see some of y’all are showing interest.  I bet you’re asking yourself “ROBEA did the adorable robot that was chucked into space make it to Mars? It didn’t die a horrible death right? I won’t be able to handle hearing of it’s untimely demise!”... Well I don’t think any of you asked those questions and if you did… are you good my dude? Do you need to talk? Well to answer that frankly emotionally alarming set of questions, yes our little buddy made it to Mars! InSight landed on Mars on November 26 2018 after a 7 month long trip (Brown 2018). Dang InSight! That is one heck of a road trip! Now before some of you start cheering that is not the end of the story. Just because our pal landed didn’t mean it was safe. And by safe I don’t mean there are little green men that are living on Mars armed with rocks ready to brutally murder our buddy (Jerry….just Jerry my dude are you ok? And take off that tin foil hat!). What I mean is Mars is a very dusty place, the whole planet is dryer than the humor of your grandpa. So after InSight landed it faced it’s next obstacle, the dust. If our little robot couldn’t (Haha get it? Like “The Little Train Who Could”?) open its solar panels then it would basically die (Brown 2018). Now before you get all upset over InSight’s death, I am here to tell you it didn’t die! Yes you heard me! A few hours later it was confirmed that the dust had settled and InSight had opened its Solar Panels (Good 2018). Looks like InSight was the Little Robot Who Could! ….I’ll show myself out now….but no seriously InSight’s landing is super important because its a historic achievement. Our own little InSight was the eighth robot to be successfully landed on Mars (Brown 2018)! Ok, ok I am done. You are all free to go! Toodaloo everyone!

Works Cited

Brown, D., & Wendel, J. (2018, November 28). NASA InSight Lander Arrives on Martian Surface – NASA's InSight Mars Lander. Retrieved December 11, 2018, from

Good, A. (2018, November 27). InSight Is Catching Rays on Mars – NASA's InSight Mars Lander. Retrieved December 11, 2018, from


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