
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Blue Tornado Death Planet

Alrighty, here we go. Take a seat kids, it's time to do some learning! So space, it's this crazy thing you can see when you look up in the sky. Many people find space boring, (I think those people are dead wrong) many people think space is too vast to comprehend (Ok I’ll let people have that complaint but the first one is completely invalid. Space isn’t boring Jeremy!) and there are some people (Me! Me!) who think space is amazing. So today my little padawans we will be learning about the mysterious and fantastic planet HD 1897 33b (Yes I know it's a terrible name, bear with me people). For the sake of not defenstrating my computer from having to type such a RIDICULOUS name (Seriously who named this freaking planet, I will find whoever named this planet and force them to change it. Mark my words.) I will be affectionately calling it Big Blue. Alright, alright I can see I am losing you guys to the sands of time so let's get down to business, yes? Our new pal Big Blue

The Mad Hatter Henry Draper

Hello world! What is up? I hope everyone is doing good! Alright, serious face time, this week we’re gonna learn a bit more about our old pal the Orion Nebula. Buckle up, sit down, and lets do some freaking learning! So the baby making mad man that is the Orion Nebula was actually the first Nebula to be photographed; now don’t be getting all excited now the first picture is in all honesty, butt ugly. Now I am not saying it wasn’t an important picture, nay nay, what I am simply saying is that the picture is well….hard to look at.  [Photos of Orion Nebulae, taken in 1880 and 1883] (2018) Retrieved from: This picture was taken by this dude named Henry Draper way back in 1880 (I know real long time) (Gannon 2014). Our boy Draper here was not only one of the first people to think about pointing a camera at the sky; he was also a Doctor, a Chemist, a Botanist, and if being all that wasn’t enough for this g

The Baby Making Mad Man: The Orion Nebula

Alright kiddies, buckle up! Put your thinking caps on, it's time to do you some learning. Now the first part of space we are taking a stab at is, drum roll please, THE ORION NEBULA ! I assume anyone who is reading this is either my Professor( Hey Teach!) or so far down the rabbit hole that is the internet that they have found Narnia and somehow stumbled upon my blog, regardless I am gonna explain this all to you. First things first, we gotta answer what's probably the main question, what in the heck is a Nebula? A picture of the Orion Nebula taken with a Sony Alpha a6300 Camera Now since not everyone is a Marvel fangirl like me or a master astronomer (Hats off to you Teach) the average person has probably not ever learned what the heck a Nebula is. So sit down and chill, let ROBEA try to teach you. To make things super simple a Nebula is like a pair of rabbits, wait wait don’t run off now just hold up let me explain! It’s a well known fact that rabbits, they well ahem
~Hello everyone~ (or to whomever reads this). This is a blog that I have made for a class I am taking in College. So basically my Professor wanted all of us to each make a blog. So I have made this Astronomy blog and thought to myself "If I have to do this, why not have fun while doing it?" So welcome all who come to this random google blog, welcome to my own personal train wreck. But I will say this, I am not an expert at all when it comes to Astronomy so if I get anything wrong do not hesitate to correct me. Without further adieu, Welcome to Rando Badly Explains Astronomy !