The Blue Tornado Death Planet

Alrighty, here we go. Take a seat kids, it's time to do some learning! So space, it's this crazy thing you can see when you look up in the sky. Many people find space boring, (I think those people are dead wrong) many people think space is too vast to comprehend (Ok I’ll let people have that complaint but the first one is completely invalid. Space isn’t boring Jeremy!) and there are some people (Me! Me!) who think space is amazing. So today my little padawans we will be learning about the mysterious and fantastic planet HD 1897 33b (Yes I know it's a terrible name, bear with me people). For the sake of not defenstrating my computer from having to type such a RIDICULOUS name (Seriously who named this freaking planet, I will find whoever named this planet and force them to change it. Mark my words.) I will be affectionately calling it Big Blue. Alright, alright I can see I am losing you guys to the sands of time so let's get down to business, yes? Our new pal Big Blue ...