The Mad Hatter Henry Draper

Hello world! What is up? I hope everyone is doing good! Alright, serious face time, this week we’re gonna learn a bit more about our old pal the Orion Nebula. Buckle up, sit down, and lets do some freaking learning! So the baby making mad man that is the Orion Nebula was actually the first Nebula to be photographed; now don’t be getting all excited now the first picture is in all honesty, butt ugly. Now I am not saying it wasn’t an important picture, nay nay, what I am simply saying is that the picture is well….hard to look at.
 [Photos of Orion Nebulae, taken in 1880 and 1883] (2018) Retrieved from:
This picture was taken by this dude named Henry Draper way back in 1880 (I know real long time) (Gannon 2014). Our boy Draper here was not only one of the first people to think about pointing a camera at the sky; he was also a Doctor, a Chemist, a Botanist, and if being all that wasn’t enough for this guy he was also a Professor on top of all that (Britanica 2018). This dude may be just as crazy as the thing he took a picture of. Draper’s feat of taking a picture of the Orion Nebula is so crazy because to take pictures back then you had to sit with your camera pointed at what you wanted to snap for a long time. So yeah having a picture of the Orion Nebula taken back then is completely insane. It makes me wonder about Draper though, did he not have a life or was he just so determined to take that picture that he didn't stop until he had it? Who's to say; the guy is dead so it's not like I could pop by his house for some afternoon tea and ask the dude if he had a life. Back on topic Draper may have been a mad man for taking that picture but what he did for Astronomical Imaging was extremely important So let's have a round of applause for the mad man with too many hats, Henry Draper!

Works Cited
Burgett, Gannon. "Two Photos of the Orion Nebula Show Just How Far Photography Has Come." PetaPixel. March 07, 2014. Accessed September 17, 2018.
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica. February 28, 2018. Accessed September 17, 2018.


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