
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Spinning Fiery Death Machine: Blender

Image Hello my lovelies! How is everyone? Having a good day? Well sit your silly selves down it's time to expand the horizons of your mind! (Truly I am the master of metaphors). Let's start this show off with a bang! Not to steal Star Trek’s thunder but “Space, Space is the final frontier” (don’t you fellow Trekkies just get the butterflies when you get hit with that nostalgia??). Now look at me, alright? We don’t know a lot about space. There I said it! Are we honestly surprised? We hardly know anything about what lives in our Oceans; if we don’t even know that much it's not really a surprise that we know next to nothing about space. Now before you die hard space lovers star raging down in the comments (Please put the pitchforks down! I bruise easy!), I will say this there is quite a bit we know about space. But the fact of the matter is young padawans is that Space is so freaking big ...

The Orion Nebula Seen Around The World~~~!!!! (Get it like the "Shot Hear Around the World?? Ok I'll stop now...)

Hello my fellow Humans (and aliens if you’re out there I guess). This weeks update is gonna be a bit shorter. Ok? We all understand? Great, let's get started! In today’s lesson we are gonna take a glimpse into the world of Astrophotography. Whats Astrophotography I hear you ask? (I mean I should explain it but do I need to? You know what Imma do it anyways). So without using any fancy shmancy terms the super simple, real dumb down version of what Astrophotography is that it is the science of taking pictures of space.  (Do you guys think I should make an art blog? Because call me Picasso but I think I might be the next big thing......Yeah Ok I know, I won't make the world suffer by looking at my images. Let a girl dream!) That's it. It’s all about pointing a camera in the air and taking a picture of space. Now that we got that out of the way we’re gonna focus on our old friend the Orion Nebula. (I am sure you guys are not fed up with hearing about ole Orion. What...

The Comet-Blind Man

Alright kiddies! Let's get down to business! Last time we learned about what the Orion Nebula is made of (If you did not read it what on Earth are you doing here? How did you get here strange entity?) This time we’re gonna learn about the guy who found our lovely Nebula. The Orion Nebula official NASA approved name is the Messier 42 (I know it's a great name….it really isn’t a good name.)(Plotner 2017). Now the man who found our favorite Nebula was a comet chasing astronomy fanatic by the name of Charles Messier (Plotner 2015). (I know I know, its such a work of art. It brings tears to my eyes!) Messier became completely obsessed with space, comets in particular, when he was just a wee lad. This guy, much like our fav mad hatter, spent his whole life cataloging space objects. Now you might be thinking that this guy is a genius, he’s praised for creating an extensive log of objects in space (Plotner 2015). That must have been his plan right? No, no it wasn’t. Messier l...

What Is the Orion Nebula Even Made Of?????

Now I bet with all this talk about the Orion Nebula you are either one of two things, completely done with hearing about it and wish I would move on or you really want to know an intimate knowledge of the Orion Nebula I guess. So now that I’ve trapped you all here for eternity I might as well entertain you with some SCIENCE! Now our bro, our pal, our fav crazy baby making machine the Orion Nebula is an interesting subject. Over the weeks I have forced upon you many facts about it but the one thing I haven’t covered yet is what it’s made of. And yes you know what that means ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals; it's time for me to tell you all about it! So sit back, kick your feet up (Not on my dashboard you heathens!) it's time to let ole ROBEA to do you some learning. I really hope that if you are reading this article you know about basic chemistry and by that I hope you know that hydrogen exists.  (Another Masterful Creation by yours truly) If you are reading this art...

A Freaking Sick Video NASA Made

HELLO DEARIES! Sit your silly self down! Open your ears, its time to do some listening! (Don't think I don't see you in the back there drifting off already, come on sir we haven't even started yet). Since we’ve known about the Orion Nebula for such a long time a lot of really cool stuff has been created about it. Our favorite people at NASA recently created this epic video. "Flight Through Orion Nebula in Visible and Infrared Light" Retrieved  from (Giving myself a pat on the back for figuring out how to put a video in here! Woo go me!) Now stay with me here but its a video that shows you what the inside of the Orion Nebula could look like (Imster 2018). That's really freaking cool honestly. I have no snarky remarks or anything that's just amazing. I mean come on, just a hundred years ago people still thought Cocaine was a cure-all (Villa 2018), the car was just being innovated, and people were still argu...